Digital Sketchbook


Digital Sketchbook <3

1. Flower for a Friend

This assignment we are suppose to create an image of a flower using p5 Web Editor. Using this we are able to create images based on the codes implemented.


This is my flower drawing. I didn't want to over complicate myself in trying to come up with a flower drawing, so I just used my mom's orchids as reference and played around with the composition of the flower. I focused a lot in finding the right position where the flowers would sit on the stem, or where the petals would be placed around the center part of each flower. Overall, I find this assignment very stimulating, has me thinking more mathematically, when it came to finding the right position. Below is a rough skecth of the flower I wanted to create. I used it as a guideline when finding the placement for the lines and shapes.

2. Line for Line

For this assignment we are experimenting with line patterns on p5 Web Editor.

line4lineassignmnetp5 line4linefullscrn

This is the first part I did for the assignment. I just wanted to lay down the basic part of the background and foreground.

For this second image I just wanted to put a set of sinusoidal lines for the first part, I plan pon rearranging the lines so it is lesss uniform but for now it will be in this pattern

I put another set of sinusoidal lines onto the foreground, I am hoping to put one more set and then rearrange it so it becomes more abstracted.

This is the final image i have for this assignment. I just shifted the lines to the right of their original positions in an arithmentic sequence to bring in some depth to the waves.

3. Computational Conversion

In this assignemnt we are to replicate a physical work of fine art using p5 Web Editor.

For this project I didn't want to use an image that was too complicated. I chose to replicate Julian Sanczak's Green Light, 1973. It was definitely frustrating at first trying to get the numbers right, but I think I got the image close enough

Part 1~

computationalconversionpt1 computationalconversionpt1f

Part 2~

I used the mousepressed function to randomize the placement of squares and the range of colours.

computationalconversionpt2 computationalconversionpt2fullscrn

4. Digital Brush-Up

In this assignmnet we experimented with different materials in order to create our own unique brush, ad then use p5 Web editor to recreate it onto a digital platform.

Part 1~

These images are of my handmaid brish. I used 7 cotton swabs and used tape to wrap them together. I used ink to stamp onto the skecthbook page as well was make a few strokes. The brush ended up absrobing more ink than I had expected so it appeares pretty heavy on the page. i wasn' really sure what he drawing is, I was mainly trying to get rid of the ink that appears on the brush.

Part 2~

For the first part in makng these brushes I knew I wanted to divert away from using black on white, I feel I like it more when I experiment with a dark background. The colour I used for the first two images is lavender, just to keep it a light neutral colour. I also couldn't decide whether I liked the shapes better or if I liked the outline better so I just want to experiment with both styles and see how that turns out.

This next part I wanted to see how the bursh would look if the colours were randomized, I made sure that in the coding that the colours would stay in the range of brighter colours. I hope To have more control with the colour palette, size of the circles, and the opcaity of the brush.

Digital Drawings

brush1 brush1fullscrn brush2 brush2fullscrn

5. Beach Ball of Death

For this project I wanted to create a flower-like compostion that moves around interchangeably, similar to this design to a flower

So far I have this basic outline on how I want it to move and and how to "flower petal" designs can be placed.

Below, I have the basic shape for the "flower" that I wanted and I hhave the colour fade from purple to blue. I also added a fill with an opacity of 15 just so that the flower component doesn't look too plain. I am hoping to add more small details to add to the flower shape.

This is my final product. I added some ellipses to follow the flow of the main flower component.

beachballofdeath beachballofdeathfullscrn